Importing Contracts by CSV

Bulk Upload or Update Contracts in Sonar

Sonar simplifies the process of uploading or updating your contracts in bulk. Utilize the contract import tool to seamlessly import contracts from either a CSV file.


Send a csv file with at least the following columns in any order:

  • contactName

  • applicationName

contractName applicationName status contractValue currency startDate endDate paymentTerm fileUrl publisher partner supplier yearlyCost autoRenewal cancellationNoticePeriod cancellationDeadline


  • status

    • active

    • negociating

    • in-review

    • closed

  • contractValue

  • paymentTerm

    • WEEKLY


    • YEARLY





  • currency (euros/dollars)

  • startDate - ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)

  • endDate - ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD)

  • fileUrl (in case there is an invoice linked)

  • publisher (publisher of the application)

  • partner (third party that sold you the application)

  • supplier (third party that deployed the application in your company)

  • yearlyCost

  • autoRenewal

  • cancellationNoticePeriod

  • cancellationDeadline

You can add any other fields, but it might not be supported. Here is the csv template:`

And a example with 2 applications on the same contract:

Last updated